Soil pollution worksheet

Soil pollution worksheet for kindergarten

These are the free printable soil pollution worksheet for kindergarten kids in PDF format. Please download these worksheets by clicking on the images shown below.

Objective of learning about the soil pollution for kindergarten children is to help them aware and understand the importance of keeping the Earth clean. Children also lean to adapt the good practice at home and near by surrounding like using the bins to throw the waste and they also learn to take care of the nature.

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Circle the pictures that cause soil pollution

Download the worksheets

These are the soil pollution related worksheets which also make children learn how they can save our Earth from being polluted. These worksheets include the matching activity of the pictures that make the soil pollutes, circling and coloring activities, true and false for each statement about the soil pollution, cut and paste of the soil pollution related pictures and healthy soil in the correct categories etc.

Reasons of Soil Pollution

  • Throwing trash on the ground or open areas like plastics, cans, and wrappers etc. which also pollute the soil.
  • The use of harmful chemicals like pesticides and factory wastes make the soil dirty and polluted.
  • Cutting down too many trees, the soil becomes weak and dusty.