Conjunction worksheets for grade 1

Coordinating conjunction worksheets for grade 1

These are the free printable Coordinating conjunction worksheets for grade 1. Please download these worksheets by clicking on the images or links shown below.

Words that join other words, phrases, or clauses in a sentence are called conjunctions. They allow the creation of longer, more intricate, and engaging sentences. The main emphasis for Grade 1 kids is on coordinating conjunctions i.e. “and”,”or”,”but”.

Useful worksheets:

Circle the correct conjunction in each sentence (conjunction worksheets for grade 1 pdf)

Download the worksheet

These worksheets have the sentences with missing conjunction words. Children need to identify those missing related coordinating conjunction words and complete the sentences. In some of the sheets the sentences have to be matched with the correct conjunction words. In some sheets kids need to construct the sentences using the given words.