Animal life cycles

Animal life cycles worksheet

Animals go through various stages in their lives, including maturation, procreation, and ultimately death. The phases of these animal life cycles usually consist of multiple stages, however they can differ significantly throughout species.

These are the free printable worksheet related to Animal life cycles for kindergarten kids in pdf format. Please download these worksheets by clicking on the images shown below.


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Understanding animal life cycles

Bird life cycle:

  • Egg: Deposited and nurtured within the nest.
  • Hatchling: It is a young animal that is dependent on its parents.
  • Baby bird: Fully plumed, beginning to stand on its own.
  • Adult bird: Capable of procreation and sexual maturity.

Frog life cycle:

  • Egg: Placed in water, externally fertilized, and coated in jelly for protection.
  • Tadpole: Aquatic, having gills and a tail, tadpoles (larvas) eat only plants.
  • Froglet: limb development, gill replacement with lungs, loss of the tail, change in diet and behavior.
  • Frog: Semi-aquatic or terrestrial, able to reproduce, and able to return to the water to deposit eggs.

Turtle life cycle:

  • Egg: Laid in ground nests; varies in duration of hatching; determines sex based on temperature..
  • Hatchling: Emerges from the egg, goes toward the water, and faces a high risk of attackers.
  • Juvenile: Develops and grows, habitat varies according to species, subject to attacks.
  • Turtle: Achieves sexual maturity, lays eggs back at nesting locations, can migrate great distances (particularly sea turtles), and lives a long life.

Butterfly life cycle:

  • Egg: Accepted by host plants, it hatches between a few days to several weeks.
  • Larva (Caterpillar): Several molts have occurred with a focus on growth and nutrition.
  • Pupa (Chrysalis): Transformation stage in which the caterpillar reorganizes to become a butterfly.
  • Adult Butterfly: To restart the cycle, it emerges with fully developed wings, mates, and lays eggs.

Next worksheet: Classification of the animals


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