Draw the shapes worksheet

Trace and draw shapes worksheets PDF free

These are the free worksheets to trace and draw the shapes for kindergarten kids in PDF format. Please download these worksheets by clicking on the images or links shown below.

The purpose of these worksheets is to teach children to identify basic shapes such as circles, squares, triangles, rectangles, and ovals. These sheets can help children understand the position, size, and orientation of the shapes.

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Trace, draw and color the square shape. Then trace the shape name in the worksheet pdf
Trace, draw and color the square shape. Then trace the shape name

Download the worksheet

These are the tracing and drawing of different kinds of shapes worksheets for kindergarten kids. With the help of these worksheets kids will be able to identify, trace the shapes on the dotted lines and will also know hoe to spell and write the spelling of the shapes.

Few more shapes tracing worksheets