Flashcards of question words

Flashcards PDF of question words for kindergarten

These are the free printable flashcards of question words for kindergarten in PDF. Please download these flashcards by clicking on the images shown below.

Flashcards of question words for kindergarten students can help them learn and understand basic questions that are essential for communication and comprehension. These flashcards typically include words like who, what, when, where, why, and how, can, is, do, are, may, will, did, does.

Useful flashcards:

Download the flashcards of question words

Each sheet has four parts which contain 4 flashcard of questions which are used on daily basis. Each question word is given in the form of visual image which attracts kids to learn. You need to download and print these cards, cut into 4 pieces by scissor. Then play with children by showing and asking them about these words. Make these flashcards interesting by using these words in sentences by kids.

whose, how, when, which
1. Question words flashcard:
Whose?, How?, When?, Which?
what, why, where, who
2. Question words flashcard:
What?, Why?, Where?, Who?
Flashcards of question words: can, is, do, are
3. Question words flashcard:
Can?, Is?, Do?, Are?
Flashcard of question word: may, will, did, does
4. Question words flashcard:
May?, Will?, Did?, Does?