Light energy worksheet

Light energy worksheet PDF for kindergarten

These are the free printable light energy worksheet for kindergarten kids in pdf format. Please download these worksheets by clicking on the images shown below.

The purpose of these worksheets is teach young children about various forms and sources of light energy and how important is this energy for us in our daily life.

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light energy worksheet
Place pictures in natural and artificial source of light

Download the worksheets

These are the light energy activity related worksheets for kindergarten which will help children to identify different forms and sources of light energy and what are the areas in our day to day life where this energy is important and used. The worksheets include circling, coloring the light energy related to objects, drawing things related to light energy, cut paste of items to artificial and natural sources of light etc. Light energy is the energy that helps us see things around us. It comes from different sources like the sun, light bulbs, candles etc.

Importance of light energy:

  • The light is used by us to see in the dark.
  • The sunlight is needed for plants to grow.
  • Light helps in making the things warm (like the sun heating the Earth).