Making number 10 worksheets

Add and make 10 worksheet for grade 1

These are the free printable add by making 10 worksheet. Please download these worksheets by clicking on the images or links shown below.

These worksheets will help Grade 1 children to practice making number 10 using addition. This also helps in developing the number sense, mental math skills, and an understanding of number pairs that add up to 10.

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Draw the objects to make the number 10.
Draw the objects to make the number 10

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Making number 10

“Make 10” is a basic math skill where children learn how to combine two numbers to get a sum of 10. It also helps children in understanding the number relationships and preparing them for addition approach in later years in education.

Why is “making 10” Important?

  • It helps children to see how numbers work together.
  • It helps them in improving making addition and subtraction faster.
  • It also helps kids to prepare for adding larger numbers easily.
  • This also helps them to understand the concept of tens and ones.