Non standard units of measurement worksheets
These are the free printable worksheets related to Non standard units of measurement for grade 1. Please download these worksheets by clicking on the images or links shown below.
Measurement is the process to find out how long, tall, or wide a an object. Here, we are going to measure the objects that we find in our daily life using non-standard units.
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These are the example of some of the non-standard units of measurement of objects like measuring objects using the paperclips, cubes, hand spans etc. These type of measurement are easy to understand for the children and don’t any need complicated numbers. This helps kids see differences in length. It also introduces the idea of measuring the length of an object before using rulers.

Concept of measuring with non-standard units
Non-standard units are objects which are being used in day to day life to measure length instead of rulers or measuring tapes. The important thing here is to note that these units do not have a fixed size, but they help children understand the basic concept of measurement in an easy way.
Examples of non-standard units:
- Paperclips
- Blocks or cubes
- Hands and fingers
- Footsteps
- Pencils, erasers, crayons
- Spoons, straws, or popsicle sticks