Pictograph worksheet for grade 1
These are the free printable Pictograph worksheet for grade 1. Please download these worksheets by clicking on the images or links shown below.
What is a pictograph?
- A image graph is called a pictograph.
- It displays information using symbols or images.
- A specific number of objects are represented by each image or symbol.
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Download the worksheets
Below are the pictograph worksheet along with the pictures. Children need to first try to understand what’s happening in the pictures, count the items and answer the questions according to the pictograph. After practicing these brainstorming pictographs children will be more familiar with symbols and graphs and now they will be able to understand how they can be used in various calculations and daily operations.

Concept behind Pictograph
- Children learn that pictographs use small pictures to represent numbers. Each picture may stand for 1 item or more (e.g., 1 apple = 1 child).
- Helps children practice counting, addition, and comparison and encourages critical thinking as they analyze data (e.g., “Which category has the most?”).
- Children also learn basic Symbols and Keys like one-to-one representation (1 picture = 1 item).