Read and color comprehension worksheets

Read and color comprehension worksheets

These are the free printable worksheets to read short stories and color comprehension pictures. Please download these worksheets by clicking on the images and links.

The purpose of these reading the passages and coloring the pictures according to the given color codes is to help young kids to develop their ability to recognize words, understand simple sentences, and follow instructions.

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read and color reading comprehension worksheets

Download the worksheets

Each worksheet includes:

  • A short and simple passage with two to four sentences.
  • Coloring instructions are provided as per the passage.
  • Kids need to understand the color codes given in the passages and color the pictures using crayons or color pencils.


  • Helps kids to practice sight words and simple sentences.
  • Encourages children to read and follow directions.
  • Helps in introducing the words related to objects, animals, colors, and daily life.