Reading sequence of events worksheets

Sequence of events worksheets

These are the free printable worksheets related to the sequence of events in reading comprehension. Please download these worksheets by clicking on the images and link below.

These worksheets encourage kids to read the short passages given in the sheets and number the events from 1 to 4.

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sequence of events worksheets

Download the worksheets

Below are the comprehension short passages in the form of worksheets where kids need to read the short story, Then they need to understand which events will be come first, second, third and so on. Kids need to put the order sequence like 1, 2, 3 and 4.


  • Sequencing events means understanding the correct order in which things happen in a story or a passage.
  • It helps children understand the beginning, middle, and end of a story.
  • It helps kids remember and retell events correctly.
  • This activity also helps kids learn how to organize their thoughts in order.