Rearrange letters to make a word

Rearrange the letter to make a new word

These are the Rearrange letter words worksheets with pictures from A to Z. Rearrange the letter to make the correct words and write them in the blank spaces.

Click on the images and download and take out the print of worksheets related to rearranging letter to make new words for kids to practice at home.

Similar worksheets:

A: Rearrange the letters to make the correct words with initial letter A

Download the worksheets

How to use the worksheets:

  • Rearrange the letters to make the correct words and write them in the blank spaces.
  • These worksheets have three-four letter jumbled words along with their pictures staring from A to Z in sequence.
  • Each worksheet has four pictures and each picture has a word written in jumbled or incorrect form.
  • First you need to identify the pictures and then try to solve the jumbled words and write the correct spelling of the word that relates to the given picture.
Y: Rearrange the letters to make the correct words with initial letter Y
Y letter words
Z: Arrange the letters to make the correct words with initial letter Z
Z letter words

Next worksheet: Preposition worksheet