Sentence scramble worksheet

Sentence scramble worksheet for kindergarten

These are the free printable sentence scramble worksheet PDF for kindergarten. Please download these worksheets by clicking on the images and links shown below.

With the help of these sentences scramble worksheets kids learn to understand sentence structure, word order and learn reading early. It also helps in building the vocabulary and sight words.

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sentence scramble worksheet

Download the worksheets

Below are the worksheets having scrambled sentences. Each sentence has a picture given. Children need to look at the picture carefully what it says about. Then they need to rearrange the given words in such a way that it becomes a correct sentence. Write the correct the sentence after rearranging the words in the blank line.


  • It helps children to form proper sentences and understand correct word order.
  • It improves the reading comprehension skills and they also learn how words fit together meaningfully.
  • This also helps children of writing skills like they like the use of capitalization and punctuation.