Solar system worksheet PDF
These are the free printable worksheet related to the solar system and planets for grade 1 kids in PDF format. Please download these worksheets by clicking on the images shown below.
The aim of these worksheets is to know more about our Solar system and its planets. The solar system is a big space including the Sun, planets, moon, and stars, satellites etc. The Sun is in the center, and the planets go around it.
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Below are the worksheets related to the activities of Solar System including planets, satellites, the Sun etc in the form of pictures to identify and writing the planets names, fill in the blanks and complete the sentences, true and false, word search etc.

The eight Planets in our Solar System
There are 8 planets in the solar system. They are:
- Mercury is the smallest and closest planet to the Sun.
- Venus is the hottest planet, covered with thick clouds.
- Earth is our home. It has water, air, and land.
- Mars is called the Red Planet because of its red soil.
- Jupiter is the biggest planet with a big red storm.
- Saturn is the planet with beautiful rings around it.
- Uranus is a blue-green planet that spins on its side.
- Neptune is the farthest and coldest planet.