Trace uppercase letters A to Z on dotted lines

Uppercase letter tracing worksheets

These are the free printable Uppercase letter tracing worksheets pdf from A to Z for kindergarten kids who are learning to trace the letters on dotted lines. These uppercase tracing letter worksheets can be downloaded by clicking on the images directly in pdf format. Before kids start tracing the uppercase letters, they should be be well versed with the identification of all the letters from A to Z orally.

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Download the worksheets

Trace uppercase letter Y on dotted lines
Y uppercase letter tracing
Tracing uppercase letter Z on dotted lines  and downloading the worksheet in pdf format
Z uppercase letter tracing

Tips for using uppercase letter tracing worksheets

Tracing uppercase letters is a great way for children to practice their handwriting. It’s also a great way to keep them engaged and happy. Here are a few tips to help make your tracing activities a success.

  1. Have your child to trace the dotted uppercase letters on dotted lines.
  2. Have them join the dots with a colored pencil.
  3. Have them create a story or poem with the uppercase letter.
  4. Have them create a picture with the uppercase letter.

Print out the tracing worksheets and have the child complete them at home.