Free printable lowercase alphabet practice worksheets
These are the free printable worksheets for practice tracing lowercase alphabet letters in PDF from a to z. Kids need to trace the lowercase letters and then color the objects beginning with the given letters. Download the worksheets by clicking on the images.
Trace the lowercase letters on dotted lines from to a to z in the given worksheets.
Identify the objects beginning with the mentioned letters in the sheet and spell out the words.
Color the pictures too.
a: Trace the letter ‘a’ and color apple, alligator and antb: Trace the letter ‘b’ and color ball, bear and bottlec: Trace the letter ‘c’ and color cup, carrot and catd: Trace the letter ‘d’ and color duck, dear and dolphine: Trace the letter ‘e’ and color egg, ear and elephantf: Trace the letter ‘f’ and color fan, feather and fairyg: Trace the letter ‘g’ and color glass, goose and grapes h: Trace the letter ‘h’ and color hat, horse and heni: Trace the letter ‘i’ and color ice cream, igloo and insectj: Trace the letter ‘j’ and color jug, jellyfish and jeepk: Trace the letter ‘k’ and color kite, king and keyl: Trace the letter ‘l’ and color lion, lotus and lambm: Trace the letter ‘m’ and color mouse, monkey and mangon: Trace the letter ‘n’ and color nose, nest and newspapero: Trace the letter ‘o’ and color orange, ox and octopusp: Trace the letter ‘p’ and color parrot, pig and papayaq: Trace the letter ‘q’ and color queen, quill and questionr: Trace the letter ‘r’ and color rat, rainbow and rains: Trace the letter ‘s’ and color sunflower, sun and sockst: Trace the letter ‘t’ and color tomato, tongue and treeu: Trace the letter ‘u’ and color umbrella, uniform and unclev: Trace the letter ‘v’ and color van, vase and vegetablesw: Trace the letter ‘w’ and color watermelon, wolf and womanx: Trace the letter ‘x’ and color xmas, x ray and xylophone
y: Trace the letter ‘y’ and color yak, yacht and yeast
z: Trace the letter ‘z’ and color zebra, zip and zombie