Transition words sentences worksheets for grade 1
These are the free printable transition words sentences worksheets for grade 1 in PDF. Please download these worksheets by clicking on the images or links shown below.
Through these exercises, kids can sharpen their use of transition words to link concepts and organize events, which will help them write better and tell more well organized stories.
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Below are the transition worksheets where kids will be learning more about the words like next, then, finally, besides, again, too etc. These worksheets will help them to make use in different sentences correctly which eventually help in improving the communication skills verbally and in writing both ways.

- Help kids to know common words like “and,” “then,” “but,” “because,” “first,” “next,” and “finally.”
- Help children connect ideas within sentences and paragraphs.
- Encourage children to think about the sequence, cause-effect, and comparisons.
- Helps kids in developing early writing skills.
Common Transition Words
1. Sequence Words
- First, Next, Then, Finally
- Example: “First, we had our breakfast. Next, we went to the picnic.”
2. Addition Words
- And, Also
- Example: “I have a cat, and I have a rabbit too.”
3. Cause and Effect Words
- Because, So
- Example: “I was happy because I got 100 percent marks in the test.”
4. Contrast Words
- But, However
- Example: “I wanted to visit the zoo, but it was raining.”