Attributes of 2D shapes worksheet for grade 1
These are the free printable attributes of 2D shapes worksheet for grade 1. Please download these worksheet by clicking on the images or links shown below.
Common attributes of shapes are number of sides, vertices, length of sides, angles etc.
Similar worksheets:
- Identifying shapes worksheets
- Shapes in real life objects
- 2d vs 3d shapes worksheet
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Check out the page: Maths worksheets for all kind of maths related worksheets for grade 1 kids.
Download the worksheets
These worksheets help kids to understand the attributes of 2D shapes (sides and corners) and Identify 2D shapes in real-life objects. Below are the shapes attributes or properties activity related worksheets which will help kids to know and learn about the number of shapes and corners of different shapes. These activities include the matching the corners and sides count with the shapes, answering the questions related to shapes attributes, writing the count of sides and corners of shapes etc.